Piriformis Syndrome

Understanding and Managing Piriformis Pain 

Piriformis syndrome may sound complicated, but it’s pretty simple. It’s a condition where the piriformis muscle, located deep in your glutes, can become irritated and squeeze the nearby sciatic nerve, leading to discomfort, pain, and even tingling sensations down the leg. Often, this pain affects your comfort in sitting, sleeping, and standing and interferes with almost all your normal daily life activities. 

At Bay State Physical Therapy, we’re here to help you understand what has caused your piriformis pain, deliver relief, and get back to doing what matters most to you!  

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Piriformis Pain Causes and Who’s at Risk 

Piriformis syndrome can be painful, but with the proper care, you can overcome it. Piriformis syndrome can result from several factors, including: 

  • Muscle Tightness: Overworked or tight piriformis muscles can compress the sciatic nerve, triggering pain. 
  • Injury: Trauma to the area, like a fall or accident, can inflame the piriformis muscle. 
  • Anatomical Variations: Some people have unique hip and muscle structures that make them more susceptible. 

It’s not uncommon, and certain factors can increase your likelihood of developing piriformis syndrome: 

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Your risk can increase if you spend long hours sitting. 
  • Age: Our muscles lose flexibility as we age, making us more susceptible to this type of pain. 
  • Repetitive Movements: Athletes and individuals with jobs involving repetitive motions might face a higher risk of developing this condition. 

Understanding the root causes is essential, and our skilled physical therapists know how to get the source of your pain to deliver long-term relief.  

How Bay State Physical Therapy Can Help 

If you are suffering with piriformis pain, you are not alone! At Bay State Physical Therapy, we’re committed to putting you at the center of your healthcare team. We prioritize your overall health, not just your symptoms. 

Our experienced physical therapists will assess your condition and tailor your treatment plan. Here are some commonly used physical therapy treatments: 

  • Stretching Exercises: Your physical therapist will guide you through targeted stretching exercises to help relieve tension in the piriformis muscle. These stretches improve flexibility and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. 
  • Strengthening Exercises: Building strength in the surrounding muscles can provide support and stability. Your therapist will design a personalized strength-training program to enhance muscle function and reduce pain. 
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as massage and myofascial release, can help relax tight muscles and reduce inflammation. Manual therapy can be especially beneficial in releasing tension in the piriformis muscle. 
  • Patient Education: Understanding how to manage and prevent piriformis syndrome is crucial. Your therapist will educate you about the condition, its triggers, and lifestyle modifications to help prevent recurrences. 

You’ll receive a customized home exercise program to maximize the benefits of therapy. Consistency with these exercises is critical to long-term relief.  

Take Action Today to Conquer Piriformis Syndrome 

At Bay State Physical Therapy, we’re committed to helping you achieve your full potential and get back to enjoying the activities you love! 

Ask your medical provider for a physical therapy referral to Bay State Physical Therapy! Call your nearest Bay State Physical Therapy clinic today or complete the form below to request your evaluation! 
