Neck Pain

Neck Pain Relief with Bay State Physical Therapy

Have you ever woken up with that nagging neck pain that won’t quit? You’re not alone. Whether young or old, balancing work, home, and everything in between often takes a toll on the neck.  At Bay State Physical Therapy, we see all types of neck pain—from the occasional “out of nowhere” neck pain to more severe issues that make sleeping and even turning your head feel like impossible tasks. 

However your neck pain started, physical therapy can help!

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Understanding Your Neck Pain

Neck pain is a condition that has impacted almost everyone at some point in their lives. And no two people’s pain or limitations are exactly the same. You may experience short bouts of stiffness that limit your ability to move your neck freely. Or pain can be nearly constant and radiate (travel) into your shoulders or arms or cause headaches and migraines.

Several factors can lead to neck pain, including the following:

  • Poor Posture: Slouching in your car or at a desk or staring down at your phone can strain the neck.
  • Overuse: Sometimes, we overdo it, like carrying heavy bags or pushing ourselves too hard in workouts or yard work.
  • Age: As we age, we lose muscle mass, and our joints wear down or degenerate.
  • Accidents: Auto accidents can cause whiplash, or falling down can result in a neck injury.
  • Stress: Believe it or not, stress can lead to muscle tension, contributing to neck pain and muscle fatigue.

When it comes to treating neck pain, our physical therapists don’t just address your symptoms; we focus on the whole person and what caused your injury or pain to begin with. 

Bay State Physical Therapy: Your Best Choice for Injury Care

The first step toward relief is understanding the underlying issue. Our skilled physical therapists conduct a thorough evaluation to identify the cause of your neck pain. Following the evaluation, we develop a customized treatment plan tailored to you. 

Your care will include cutting-edge techniques and proven strategies and services to relieve your pain and improve your overall quality of life, including: 

  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to improve your joint and soft tissue mobility 
  • Strengthening Exercises: Focused activities to build muscle strength and prepare you for your return to work and recreation
  • Posture and Mobility Training: Repetitions of functional movement aimed at improving your range of motion and postural control
  • Ergonomic Recommendations: Strategies to adjust your workspace or home environment to support your neck better and prevent a recurrence of symptoms

At Bay State Physical Therapy, you will be an active participant in your treatment, as we are committed to working with you to achieve your fullest potential in health and wellness.

Your Next Stop is Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain doesn’t have to define you or limit your activities. Schedule your evaluation with Bay State Physical Therapy today and put yourself on the road to health and wellness. 

Neck pain relief is just a click away!

Call your nearest Bay State Physical Therapy location or complete the form below to request an evaluation.
