End Your Nagging Back Pain

End your nagging back pain

Most Americans will suffer temporary back pain at some point in their lives. However, when nagging back pain is not temporary, it becomes a significant quality of life issue. The National Institute of Health states that back pain is the most experienced form of pain for Americans. In fact, one in every four Americans has experienced some form of back pain in the past three months. The good news is that you don’t have to live with back pain permanently.

Taking a proactive approach, like working with a physical therapist, can help you finally find relief from back pain.

What’s Causing My Back Pain?

Work-related cases of back pain account for over 101 million lost workdays annually. Needless to say, back pain is all too common for millions of people. If left untreated, back pain can also progress into more severe health issues.

There are three main types of back pain:

  • Acute Back Pain: Acute back pain is the most common type. This is a temporary pain that goes away in less than three months.
  • Recurrent Back Pain: This occurs when acute back pain goes away for a while but then comes back periodically.
  • Chronic Back Pain: If back pain lasts longer than three months without subsiding, it is classified as chronic.

Back pain is usually not severe and will resolve on its own. However, recurring and chronic pain can signify a more severe problem.

Diagnosing The Cause of Your Back Pain

Your journey with a physical therapist will start with discussing your symptoms. They will also review your medical history for any past injuries or illnesses that could be contributing to your current pain. Your physical therapist will also conduct an exam to assess how you are able to move and function due to your back pain.

The diagnosis phase will also involve some tests to find symptoms of more severe conditions. If your physical therapist suspects that a serious health condition is contributing to your back pain, you will likely be referred to a specialist for more testing. In most cases, this will not be necessary.

What can I expect from physical therapy treatments for back pain?

Once your back pain has been diagnosed, a personalized course of physical therapy will be outlined for you. Treatments for back pain will vary based on the diagnosis, age, other health conditions, and physical ability.

Your course of treatment may include any of the following:

  • Education on how to take better care of your back, such as proper methods of lifting, bending, sitting, and sleeping positions
  • Self-care strategies for pain relief
  • Stretching and strength-building exercises
  • Hands-on care, such as manual therapy and spinal manipulation to improve joint mobility and relieve tissue pain
  • Posture work to provide better support for your back

Say Yes to Physical Therapy Today

Your progress will be monitored throughout your care plan with a physical therapist to ensure you accomplish your rehabilitation goals. A big part of collaborating with a physical therapist is that you will learn strategies for movement and functional daily tasks in ways that will prevent the pain from recurring. For example, your therapist will show you proper posture techniques while at home, at work, or enjoying leisure activities.

You will also learn how to keep up a regular exercise regimen to keep your supportive muscles strong, which will prevent back pain from coming back. As you approach your discharge from our care, your home exercise program will target keeping your back pain at bay to prevent recurrence in the future.

Get Started Today and Find Relief for Your Back Pain

The key is to be proactive in standing up to your back pain. If the pain doesn’t subside after a few days, it’s time to take action! As your partner in health, we are here for you and your loved ones whenever you need us.

To learn more, call your nearest Bay State Physical Therapy location or complete the form below to request an appointment.

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