Four Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Headache Pain

Four 4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Headache Pain

Over 45 million Americans suffer from headache pain, making it the 3rd most common disease in the world, impacting 1 out of 7 people. While there are many different “triggers” such as alcohol, chocolate, scents, and other factors that cause headaches and migraines, most people who suffer from chronic or recurring headaches have underlying neck problems that contribute to their headaches.

According to Stanford Health Care, some of the common types of headaches include:

  • Tension
  • Cervicogenic or neck muscle-related
  • Migraine
  • Secondary headaches from an underlying condition, such as fever, infectious disease, or sinus disorder

Regardless of the type of headache, waking up with pain can interfere with your day no matter what is on your calendar. Furthermore, while many of us are comfortable relying on pain medication to deal with the symptoms of a migraine or headache, there are other options to get to the root cause of your pain.

Physical therapy treatments are designed to help the body function at its peak. No matter how old you are or the frequency with which you have them, dealing with frequent headaches can be incredibly frustrating, but physical therapy can offer relief.

Choose Physical Therapy for Headache Relief

Find long lasting relief from your headache and migraine symptoms. Read how our team at Bay State Physical Therapy can help you.

Headaches and migraines are often associated with myofascial trigger points (tight and tender points in a muscle) and muscle spasms in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Many headaches and migraines can be triggered by physical and/or emotional stress, resulting in tension headaches. Tension headaches can be very painful and debilitating and can possibly trigger migraine headaches.

Visiting a physical therapist is an excellent alternative to traditional medication management of headaches. With the help of Bay State Physical Therapy, you can decrease the intensity, frequency, and duration of headaches.

Here’s How Physical Therapy Can Help You

Here are four ways physical therapy can reduce headache pain:

1. Hands-on Care

Physical therapists provide hands-on treatment techniques designed to increase the mobility of your head and neck, decrease muscle tension and spasms, and improve posture. If additional modalities are needed, such as dry needling, your physical therapist will make a recommendation to help you get the most out of your therapy sessions.

2. Education on Triggers

Physical therapists want their patients to understand the triggers that contribute to their headaches, such as poor posture, eye strain, and even sleeping in the wrong position. Recognizing these triggers can help patients prevent as many painful headaches as possible.

3. Focus On Posture

Do you spend a lot of time staring at a screen or driving in a car? Do you have a forward head or rounded shoulders? If so, your upper cervical spine may be causing pinching of nerves. Therefore, one aspect of care your physical therapist may implement includes correcting your posture and addressing tight pectoral muscles or weakened upper back muscles.

4. Importance of Exercise

Studies have shown that increasing your activity levels can decrease pain and inflammation. Physical therapy also improves your range of motion as well as joint health and promotes overall well-being.

Don’t Ignore Your Headaches – Overcome Them with Physical Therapy

Cut through the fog of your headaches with the help of Bay State Physical Therapy! Your physical therapist will help get to the root cause of your pain and empower you to take control of your headaches to live a life full of motion. To learn more, call your nearest Bay State Physical Therapy location or complete the form below to request an appointment.

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